Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Stealing from the terminally ILL

Today I got home from the Hospital to find that my checking account has been cleaned out, Lorie Graves has won. I hope she feels good knowing she has stressed the life of a broke, terminally ill person. 

I am terminally ILL with Pulmonary Fibrosis, and need a piece of medical equipment that I now don't have the money to purchase.  I Have zero money until the end of the month, and I will now have to have my social security disability check sent to me, and will be forced to cash it, and get cashiers checks to pay my bills, she has levied me for $6,000.  I still owe her more money at this point.

SO it has cost me dearly to have employees, Thank you Lorie Graves.
Please remember that I paid you extra, and I paid you insurance for several months.  My only crime was to pay you on the next pay period instead of on the spot.

The result?  At a time when I need the little money I had left after going broke trying to open a business? Lorie Graves got judgemen aganst me while I  was in the hospital.   Lorie seems to think I am rich.  I am the proud owner of a 10 year old car, and a 20 year old car that does not run, a house that needs painting, a dishwasher, a microwave, a water heater, and other generral maintenance.  AND, I had to turn to a church group to volunteer to build me a wheelchair ramp, and what does Lorie Graves do?  Levy me and take the last money I have in the world. At a time when I need it most.

Please Lorie, I beg you to do the right thing.  Return the money, and let me die in peace.

Lorie, I am honestly sorry you feel I harmed you by paying you extra when I was getting sick, and shutting down my business.  How were you harmed by my actions? You got more money than the time you worked, and I paid your insurance for several months after letting you go. I was trying to be fair to you, and you repay me by filing a complaint with the EDD.  You won by default because I was in the hospital when the hearing occurred.  PLEASE Lorie, remember that You got your check with the next payroll run like everyone else.  You did not have to wait for it, and I paid you in full plus some extra days.  Please tell me how that damaged you? The business was failing,and I was becoming quite ILL, what should I have done? I could no longer afford to pay your salary, which was the highest in the Gym.  You should have been standing up helping others to market, and setting a screaming example for marketing.  Instead you tell me there are times you can't work because you have to take care of your own Personal Training customers.  Which you never brought in to our gym. You hurt me deeply.

Lorie, It is only fitting that you cleaned out my checking account when I was again in the hospital. 

Since I Terminated Ms Graves employment five years ago, I have spent life in and out of the hospital having multiple week long or more stays in the hospital in an attempt to keep my lungs healthy. This has eaten all my money, and I struggle every month just to make my mortgage payment.  and now once again, I will be faced with not being able to pay my bills.

What I don't understand is that during the time after she filed her complaint, I tried to talk to her to work things out, and she refused to even take a phone call from me.  Why Lorie?  Please call me and lets talk...

Why are you doing this to me?  The last time you said "I have no answer".  Do you still feel good having taken money from me?  I am not telling a lie when I say I am terminally ILL, and I cannot walk more than 15 feet now without becoming so winded I have to sit down.  Great way to live, and have people like Lorie Graves steal money from me. Money that nobody gave me, I earned every penny I had.  I didn't get someone else's money through a bogus judgment, where you were not really hurt. 

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