Monday, May 14, 2012

Mystery shopping scam

I ran across this information after she started working for us. It Turns out she became the spokesperson for a scam - just further indication of her moral character. There were other things that "bugged" me about her work ethic. I had her helping with promotions, and she was putting stamps on envelopes. I know it is a little thing, but she would put them on upside down, sideways, at an angle. Anything but straight and upright like a normal person would...

Here is a picture of her as well:

A Katrina Success Story Lorie Graves Didn't Let A Catastrophic Hurricane Stop Her. Ventura, CA, May 2006) A year ago, before Katrina tore up my life and so many millions along the Gulf Coast, my life was set. In less than 24 hours my world was turned upside down. Overnight my home was washed away and the fitness center where I worked was reduced to a soggy pile of smelly rubbish. No home. No job. And, no money. Everyone talks about the catastrophic damage done in New Orleans. Let me tell you that Gulfport, Mississippi, wasn't spared either. That's were I lived and worked. Since the Gulfport gets its income from tourists visiting the many gambling spots dotting the this city by the Gulf of Mexico and since all the casinos were built on large barges a few feet off the beach, the entire industry was razed, scattered or completely washed away. The Chamber of Commerce estimates that Gulfport is over 2 years away from full recovery. When I looked around the next morning, everything was in shambles. Just finding food, a place to sleep and gasoline outweighed not having a job or any prospect for a job. I've had low points in my life. I guess we all have. But this was way beyond anything I could've imagined. My first inclination was to see if the City of Gulfport, Harrison County, the State of Mississippi, or FEMA would provide some help. They were all overwhelmed. Thousands, tens of thousands, were in the same predicament. Everyone needed help. I was just one more pleading face in a very long line of refugees. My options were terrible. The assistance staffs didn't arrive right away as we all know. And when they did, they wanted to put me in a temporary shelter with hundreds of other victims. Don't forget, everything I owned was on my back. No clothes. No toiletries. I'm a stinking mess living in my car. My Mom said I could come to California and stay with her in her double-wide. My money situation allowed me just enough for gas and sandwiches for the 2,100 mile journey. There was no money for motels. I'd have to sleep in the car for the next 3 days. On the drive to California, I'm going over my options. I have to find work. Then I remembered something. Just before Katrina hit, I had received training online from Mystery Shop Link to be a mystery shopper. You know, those jobs where they pay you to go to stores and report what you see? Well, Mom was in no position to support me. I still had bills to pay … credit card, cell phone, food, car payments, plus I had to contribute my share of the bills at Mom's. Hey! I'm supposedly a trained and certified Mystery Shop Link shopper. Let's see if this mystery shopping is for real. Now here's the exciting part. This mystery shopping is very much for real. Thank God I had gotten my Mystery Shop Link certification. I had very few other options other than waiting tables or flipping burgers. I began mystery shopping 7 days a week taking any and every assignment I could. It began to really pay-off. The companies that assign mystery shopping jobs are called Schedulers. I learned that one of the biggest problems Schedulers have to deal with is either finding a trained and certified shopper to do the assignments or having the shopper flake out and not do the job. Apparently Schedulers don't get paid until mystery shopping assignments are completed. The Schedulers learned quickly that they could depend on me. By not flaking out and by doing my assignments as instructed, Schedulers began sending me more and more jobs. Some of them paid hundreds of dollars. I even got a free 4 day cruise to Mexico. Within a couple of months I was making between $1,000 and $1,400 a week. My bills were now paid up-to-date. I had fully recovered from Katrina while most people were still in shelters and looking for work. I really 'feel' for them. When people think of mystery shopping, they either don't believe it's real or they don't take the work as a serious job. While mystery shopping isn't difficult, you need to focus on your work. After all, big executives are making huge financial decisions based on my reports. Fortunately, I had signed-up for my mystery shopping through Mystery Shop Link (800.359.8982 / My hat goes off to them. They worked with me from the get-go and helped me along the way. Now my life is changing again. This time it's a good thing. I met a guy. It's serious. I'm moving to Modesto. The best part is that I can take my Mystery Shop Link work with me. All I do is tell Mystery Shop Link's Schedulers the Zip Codes in which I want to shop and they find jobs for me. I've now graduated to their Ambassador Level, the highest level available. If anyone wants to know why America is so GREAT … so FABULOUS, it's because of the opportunities we have. Here I was destitute one month and making great money the next. To be fair, mystery shopping is not for everyone. You need to be at least 18, have access to the Internet and have a credit card or a debit card or checking account. Most importantly, you must commit yourself to the work. Read over the assignment thoroughly. Follow the directions. File your reports online on time. Yes, you do get to pick when you want to work and what assignments you want to do. Nobody's going to force you to work or do assignments. It's all your call. So if financial commitments have you down or if you have time on your hands, you should call Mystery Shop Link. I am so-o-o happy I did. They literally allowed me to change my life. -30- For More Information: William Thompson 929 S. Bedford St., #202 Los Angeles, CA 90035 Tel: 800.326.5661 E-Mail: William Thompson President TV, Inc. Largo, FL 800-326-5661 800-343-8549